Conversation exercise Share Copied!
- Podaj imię i wiek każdej osoby na obrazie. (Say the name and age of each person in the image.)
- Powiedz, ile masz lat. (Say your own age.)
- Zapytaj innych o ich wiek. (Ask the others about their age.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
Example phrases:
Kobieta ma na imię Hannah i ma trzydzieści dwa lata. The woman's name is Hannah and she is thirtytwo years old. |
Dziewczyna ma siedemnaście lat. The girl is seventeen years old. |
Dziecko ma sześć lat. The child is six years old. |
Babcia ma osiemdziesiąt dziewięć lat. The grandmother is eightynine years old. |
Mam trzydzieści lat. I am thirty years old. |
Ile masz lat? How old are you? |
... |
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
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