Vocabulary (1)

 Gotować (to cook) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Oni gotują kawę.


They are brewing coffee. Show



To cook Show

Conversation exercise

  1. Wyjaśnij każdy krok pieczenia naleśników. (Explain each step of baking pancakes. )

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Należy rozpuścić masło.

It is necessary to cook the butter.

Musimy dodać masło i cukier.

We must add the butter and the sugar.

Musisz dodać olej i masło do mieszanki.

You have to add the oil and the butter to the mixture.

Musisz wymieszać jajka, mleko i sól.

You have to mix the eggs, the milk and the salt.

Usmaż naleśniki na patelni.

Cook the pancakes in the pan.

Zjedz naleśniki, smacznego!

Eat the pancakes, enjoy your meal!



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (1): Verbs: 1,

Polish English
Gotować To cook

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