Conversation exercise

  1. Opisz objawy każdej osoby. (Describe the symptoms of each person.)
  2. Odegraj dialog w gabinecie lekarskim. (Play a dialogue at the doctor's office.)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Boli go szyja.

He has pain in the neck.

Masz gorączkę.

You have a fever.

Boli mnie plecy.

My back hurts.

Gdzie cię boli?

Where does it hurt?

Mam kaszel.

I have a cough.

Boli mnie głowa.

I have a headache.

Boli mnie brzuch.

I have a stomachache.

Czuję mdłości.

I feel nauseous.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

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